There are many causes for neck pain. Bankstown Chiropractor, The Spine Doctor sees patients with acute problems caused by accident or injury as well as those with chronic problems that are caused by long-term stress or tension – or even from poor posture.
For many patients with neck pain, concerns about painful, invasive treatment, prevents them from seeking help. Even when the condition seems to be getting worse, people often feel it is something they ‘just have to put up with’ and rely on painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications to help them to get on with everyday lives. The better option, in this case, is to visit a good neck pain clinic.
Patients who seek help for their problem at The Spine Doctor are immediately reassured that their treatment will be safe, gentle and effective! The treatment is always gentle, low risk, pain-free and better still sometimes immediately beneficial! Visit our clinic in Bankstown to make yourself free from neck pain. Call us today to arrange your initial consultation and take your first step to be pain-free again.
One of the most common causes of acute neck pain is trauma sustained in a car accident, sporting injury or by some other means. Many of the most common causes of chronic, recurring cervical pain can be due to poor posture. For example, sitting in one position for a lot of the working day, often with the head tilted forward can put tremendous strains on the neck.
A lot of neck pain is directly attributable to the long-term stress and tension of modern living that can cause problems with the muscles of the neck and jaw leading to headaches as well as neck and shoulder pain.
Lastly, many degenerative disorders due to aging are a major factor in the cause of pain in the neck area. Problems such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis are the main culprits that can all cause pain, tingling and numbness affecting the head, shoulders, arms and hands.
By the time we are in our 70s, more than 20% of us will suffer from neck pain. This problem is a problem that can also cause feelings of ‘vertigo’ and dizziness, making a person unsteady on their feet. Ongoing Chiropractic maintenance treatment for this age group can improve the patient’s quality and enjoyment of life, but also (and very importantly), make them much less likely to fall and so reduces the risk of serious injuries including hip fractures.